
Vasthu for home

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Vasthu Sastra for home


A basic need of every human being is shelter.

In India, people have been practising an ancient science of architecture for thousands of years in order to achieve happiness, good health and prosperity. It is known as Vasthu Sastra or Indian Feng Shui.

Although ancient, the 5,000-year-old science can be used in modern times to achieve balance with cosmic forces to attain harmony.

It is important for any dweller to observe Vasthu Sastra rules when building, purchasing, designing, renovating, renting, living or working in an enclosed space.

This is because when building, living or working in a property, one has to be in tune with the universal energies around us.

It is common in India to find classified advertisements on sale of properties to have the word Vasthu Sastra-complied instead of CF (Certificate of Fitness) complied in order to sell or rent a property.

By observing the principles of Vasthu Sastra, one can be assured of prosperity and harmonious living.

Every individual seeks peace and prosperity, to obtain this, one has to be in tune with the universal rhythm of creation.

The aim of Vasthu Sastra is to improve the well-being of a dweller occupying an enclosed space; this is done by ensuring the building or plot is fully energised and in harmony with cosmic forces.

Vasthu Sastra does not promise luck and fame but if a person is dwelling in the correct space, he or she will be able to reduce problems and cope with challenges with positive results.