
About Us

Master’s Message

Dear Friends,

I introduced online Astrology and Vasthu services in our website. For Astrology service you need to send your birth details including place of birth and important questions, you can send by email, after I confirm your email you can make a fee by online, after we received the payment I will send you the complete reading in 48hrs. For Vasthu service by online, need to send your floor plan with compass direction, after we confirm your email you can make a fee by online, after we received your payment you will get a complete Vasthu analysis with in 48hrs.

Email: masteryuvaraj@gmail.com
-Master Yuvaraj Sowma

Contact Yuvaraj Sowma

+91 98400 24470


Phone: 044-24915223, Mobile: +91 98400 24470 & +91 94445 55930

Vision & Mission



To deliver architectural education of international standards and to make the school the best in the country as well as in the world which would meet all the future diverse and evolving challenges.



Our mission is to promote Vasthu Sastra and educate designers, architects, builders and homeowners of the potential of a more comfortable, happy and successful life lived in harmony through the principles of Vasthu Sastra.


Core Values

We are a team of experienced scientific vasthu specialists who research, with specialization in traditional Indian architecture and supported by effective building principles.