
Effects N.E sector

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  • Effects N.E sector


  • North East is cut Owner can meet with accidents and mental instability.
  • North East plot is curved Owner could encounter ailment related
  • Master bedroom is North East Blood deficiency and deformed babies.
  • Kitchen in North East Female could meet with accidents, experience loss of elderly affection and have ailments to the ear, nose and throat.
  • North East heavily loaded Owner could experience worries and meet with sudden accidents.
  • North East is higher than the rest of the floor Children’s education can be disrupted and owner can have financial difficulties, ailments to the heart and blood.
  • Roof is higher in North East Male child may experience failures in examination.
  • Bathroom and toilet in North East Owner will change jobs frequently, obstacles to promotions, disunity in family.
  • North East is extended It is considered to be auspicious and advantageous.
  • Garage in North East Owner will be down with ailments and children will be have a challenging time their studies.
  • North East is extended It is considered to be auspicious and advantageous.